Perhaps the biggest bonus of Classic Shell for me is in the restoration of the very good Win7-type Start Menu and the instant search of my indexed documents and OneNote files when anything is typed into the Search box. It seems to be very stable too - which is a mandatory requirement for an OS interface (in my book, at any rate). However, pretty much all that I disliked is swept away by Classic Shell. Those aspects of the OS are backward steps - but the OS otherwise seems very good. Most of the things that I dislike (and that's putting it mildly) about Win8 are related to poor ergonomics and the superfluous Metro eye-candy and and its kludgy functionality in the UI. As a result of their comments, a couple of days ago I went ahead and installed it for a trial. Many thanks to the people in this discussion thread who referred to Classic Shell.

For those interested you can also read the Author's explanation of code.ġ.3 This Mini-Review follows on from discussion thread: What the Heck is Happening to Windows? Article on Windows 8 Disaster I was looking around for a better start menu for Windows 7 a while ago and landed on the FREE and open source Classic Shell. One of the earliest is this one in 2011, which seems to be referring to an early form of CS, in the thread: Re: Start Menu X now in beta

developer of Classic Shell announces he is quitting, and releases the last version of the program.