If a huge, immensely powerful city-sized Transformer will obey Optimus Prime's every command, he must be badass. This interview even pretty much says that some level designing was devoted specifically to making Optimus this and is why calling on Metroplex is his special ability.

Rank Scales with Asskicking: Not only is he the leader of the Autobots, he's also their best fighter.Ramming Always Works: In his vehicle mode, he can destroy enemies by ramming them and uses this as an attack when fought as Megatron in the final battle.Papa Wolf: You start killing his men, he will make you pay.What follows next is Optimus fighting as brutally as he can whether you are controlling him or fighting him. Is Serious Business: In the last fight of the game, after Megatron blasts Bumblebee, Optimus finally decides he’s had enough of Megatron. Meaningful Rename: One of the lines spoken by Teletraan 1 when greeting Optimus has it referring to him as "Orion Pax" before correcting itself.He's very quick and agile, can vaporize most foes in a couple of shots, and tank a blast from Megatron's infamous fusion cannon. Lightning Bruiser: Of the "fast-moving Mighty Glacier" type.Optimus is constantly at the fore of an Autobot army fighting a Decepticon one. Likewise, although he doesn't directly state as much, it's obvious that this is how he feels about the decision to siphon the Energon out of the disabled Trypticon after the attack on the Ark and the failure to retrieve the Lost Lake's Energon from the Sea of Rust.I Did What I Had to Do: He didn't like the decision to retreat and admits that he was tempted to fight to the end, but as Cybertron is longer able to support life and the Decepticons are winning the war, he saw no other option.Optimus isn't a fool and knows that his people have doubts, and he has some of his own, but as long as the war effort is dependent on him wearing a stoic face, that's what he's going to do. This trope even taints Hope Bringer (above) in some ways it's implied that the Autobots don't really think they can win or even survive, they're just not going to give up as long as Optimus doesn't.Another scene has Megatron execute two captured Autobots right in front of Optimus just to spite him, and the implication is he was going to force Optimus to watch Megatron's warp cannons destroy the Ark before putting him out of his misery, but then Metroplex recovered.